Under the hood, Shuttle runs an OpenTelemetry (OTel) collector alongside your service that, once configured, sends project telemetry like vCPU and RAM usage as well as any custom metrics you define to a supported third-party integration of your choice.

What’s included?

Community Tier - Export essential system metrics

  • CPU usage
  • Memory usage
  • Network I/O
  • Disk I/O

Pro & Growth Tiers - Export everything

  • All system metrics
  • All application metrics
  • All application logs
  • No export limits

How to get started?

Check out the tutorials for each supported telemetry service:

We plan to expand the list of supported third party services. Let us know you thoughts and suggestions on GitHub.

Guide: Add custom metrics in tracing events

Exporting custom metrics and logs is available in the Shuttle Pro Tier and above.

To use custom metrics in tracing, start by adding the tracing dependency if you haven’t yet.

cargo add tracing

Then, all you need to do is add some tracing events with fields to the functions you’re using, like so:

async fn hello_world() -> &'static str {
    tracing::info!(counter.hello = 1, "Hello world from OTel!");
    "Hello, world!"

Doing this will send an info level log to stdout and the OTel exporter, saying Hello world from OTel!. The log object produced will then have the custom attribute set. An example is provided below.

The runtime’s OTel exporter uses tracing-opentelemetry under the hood, which automatically handles three metric types for you: monotonic counters, counters and histograms. You can find more about this on the tracing-opentelemetry docs.

Default telemetry properties


This is an example of what a JSON object for a tracing event looks like:

    "attributes": {
        "code.filepath": "src/main.rs",
        "code.lineno": 4,
        "code.module_path": "my_project",
        "counter.hello": 1
    "dropped_attributes_count": 0,
    "dt": "2025-02-04T15:56:27.068644985Z",
    "message": "Hello world from OTel!",
    "observed_timestamp": "2025-02-04T15:56:27.068649239Z",
    "resources": {
        "service.name": "my-project",
        "service.version": "0.1.0",
        "shuttle.deployment.env": "production",
        "shuttle.project.crate.name": "my_project",
        "shuttle.project.id": "proj_01JK8SHBZQ0XF0TKW0EDWBJ8NH",
        "shuttle.project.name": "my-project",
        "telemetry.sdk.language": "rust",
        "telemetry.sdk.name": "opentelemetry",
        "telemetry.sdk.version": "0.27.1"
    "severity_number": 9,
    "severity_text": "INFO",
    "source_type": "opentelemetry"

Platform telemetry

Below is a list of container metrics that Shuttle sends by default over the OpenTelemetry export.

Attribute nameDescription
cpu_coresCPU cores available
cpu_onlinesNumber of online/active CPUs
cpu_reservedReserved CPU resources (if any)
cpu_usage_kernelmodeCPU time spent in kernel mode (nanos)
cpu_usage_systemSystem-wide CPU usage (nanos)
cpu_usage_totalTotal CPU time usage (nanos)
cpu_usage_usermodeCPU time spent in user mode (nanos)
cpu_usage_vcpuvCPU usage
cpu_utilizedPercentage of CPU utilized
memory_reservedMemory reserved (bytes)
memory_usageMemory used (bytes)
memory_usage_limitMemory limit (bytes)
memory_usage_maxThe max amount of memory used by your application (bytes)
memory_utilizedMemory being utilised (bytes)
network_io_usage_rx_bytesNetwork ingress (bytes)
network_io_usage_rx_packetsNetwork ingress packet count
network_io_usage_rx_droppedNetwork ingress dropped packet count
network_io_usage_rx_errorsNetwork ingress errored packet count
network_io_usage_tx_bytesNetwork egress (bytes)
network_io_usage_tx_packetsNetwork egress packet count
network_io_usage_tx_droppedNetwork egress dropped packet count
network_io_usage_tx_errorsNetwork egress errored packet count
network_rate_rxNetwork ingress rate (bytes/s)
network_rate_txNetwork egress rate (bytes/s)
storage_read_bytesBytes read from disk
storage_write_bytesBytes written to disk