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Frequently Asked Questions
Learn about the most frequently asked questions from Shuttle users.
This section is aimed at collecting common questions users have to provide documented answers.
We deploy every project in its own AWS Fargate VM. This gives you safe isolation from other users, and also across all the projects that are owned by your account.
Your code is built and hosted on our servers. The first time you introduce additional resources in your code, like the first time you use a database, we will add that resource to your project and wire it automatically to your deployment. Read about what happens to deployment files here.
Of course! When you deploy a project on Shuttle, your app becomes available at a public URL.
With this, you can build a server that serves pretty much any frontend project. For details on how to serve static files with Shuttle, check out our Deployment files docs.
You can also just use it for an API, and host your frontend on any of the common frontend hosting solutions (Vercel, Netlify, etc), you just have to make your API calls to the URL of your project, and you’re up.
For a tutorial on how to build and deploy a simple full-stack app using Next.js & Rust, check out this tutorial: Deploying a NextJS frontend with Rust, in one go
Absolutely! And it’s quite easy. Check out this section of our docs for the steps to do so: Custom Services
Yes, you can create a SeaORM connection from the sqlx pool Shuttle passes to you when you provision a SQL database. You can take a look at the example here.
Currently, all deployments are in the AWS eu-west-2 region (London). We do plan to support multiple regions in the future.
See this issue for the latest status and discussion on this topic.
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