This page assumes that you have installed the Shuttle CLI. If you haven’t, go to the installation guide.


The login command opens the Shuttle Console where you can copy your API key:

shuttle login

Create your first project

The init command lets you generate a Hello World project or one of our examples or templates. For your first project, try a Hello World template.

shuttle init

You can then cd into the created folder and run your app locally. Check out the local run page for more.

shuttle run

Then, the app can be deployed with:

shuttle deploy

This uploads your code and builds it. After that, the resulting Docker image is launched and hosted, and can start receiving HTTPS traffic.

Shuttle remains fully committed to providing an excellent development and deployment experience to all users.

In order to keep the free Community Tier sustainable and fair on, we reserve the right to automatically shut down Community Tier projects after 30 days of inactivity (no new deployments).

This policy will be adjusted as the platform matures.

To learn more about available deployment configuration, check out Deployment files.