This plugin provisions AWS RDS databases on Shuttle. The following engines are supported:

  • Postgres
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB

RDS vs Shared DB

  • Dedicated Instance: Each instance of AWS RDS is it’s own dedicated instance.
  • Stability and Security: AWS RDS has greater stability due to it being a service directly offered by AWS, and also greater security due to being a dedicated instance.
  • Flexible: AWS RDS instances on the Shuttle platform can be customised to suit your needs. Instance size can be increased from the default and AWS RDS features can be enabled or disabled.

On AWS RDS we offer:

  • Postgres
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB

With the Shared DB we offer:

  • Postgres
  • MongoDB

Default RDS Instance

The RDS instance created by Shuttle has the following specifications and features by default:

  • 2 vCPU
  • 1 GB Memory
  • 20 GiB Storage
  • Backups Disabled
  • Single Availability Zone
  • 1 Node
  • No Proxy

The pricing of this instance can be found on our pricing page.

If you require a different configuration, please contact us on Discord or email us at We can provision any size or configuration of RDS to suit your needs - a full list of RDS features can be found here

Shuttle makes sure that any data stored in your provisioned database is stored permanently and will persist if you redeploy your server via cargo shuttle deploy, as well as if you restart your service via cargo shuttle project restart.


Start by adding shuttle-aws-rds to the dependencies for your service. Each type of database is behind its own feature flag and macro attribute path.

EngineFeature flagAttribute path

Output type

By default, you can get the connection string to the database and connect to it with your preferred library. You can also specify other return types to get rid of common boilerplate.

Depending on which type declaration is used as the output type in the macro, you might need to activate additional feature flags:

EngineFeature flagType declarationDescription
AnyStringThe connection string including username and password
Postgressqlx (with rustls) or sqlx-native-tlssqlx::PgPoolAn sqlx connection pool with reasonable defaults
MySQLsqlx (with rustls) or sqlx-native-tlssqlx::MySqlPoolAn sqlx connection pool with reasonable defaults
MariaDBsqlx (with rustls) or sqlx-native-tlssqlx::MySqlPoolAn sqlx connection pool with reasonable defaults

Lastly, add a macro annotaion to the Shuttle main function. Here are examples for Postgres:

// Use the connection string
async fn main(#[shuttle_aws_rds::Postgres] conn_str: String) -> ... { ... }

// With sqlx feature flag, get a PgPool connected automatically
async fn main(#[shuttle_aws_rds::Postgres] pool: sqlx::PgPool) -> ... { ... }

Shuttle deployments do not currently support sqlx compile-time checked macros.


All of the AWS RDS macros take the same optional parameter:

local_uri&strIf specified, on local runs, use this database instead of starting a Docker container for it
database_name&strName to give the default database. Defaults to project name if none is given

When passing in strings, you can also insert secrets from Secrets.toml using string interpolation. To insert the PASSWORD secret, pass it in like this:

async fn main(
        local_uri = "postgres://postgres:{secrets.PASSWORD}@localhost:16695/postgres"
    )] conn_str: String,
) -> ... { ... }
Caveat: If you are interpolating a secret from, you need to set the same secret in Secrets.toml to a empty string so that this step does not crash in deployment.

The URI should be formatted according to the Postgres or MySql and MariaDB documentation, depending on which one you’re using.

If you do not specify a local_uri, then cargo-shuttle will attempt to spin up a Docker container and launch the database inside of it. For this to succeed, you must have Docker installed and you must also have started the Docker engine. If you have not used Docker before, the easiest way is to install the desktop app and then launch it in order to start the Docker engine.

Connection string

After deploying a project with a database macro, you can view the connection string with credentials with:

shuttle resource list --show-secrets

Using the connection string, you can connect to it for manual querying, inspection, and migration.


This snippet shows the main function of a tide app that uses the #[shuttle_aws_rds::Postgres] attribute macro to provision an RDS Postgres database, which can be accessed with an sqlx Pool.
async fn tide(
    #[shuttle_aws_rds::Postgres] pool: PgPool,
) -> ShuttleTide<MyState> {

    let state = MyState { pool };
    let mut app = tide::with_state(state);



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