

You’ll need to create a Secrets.toml file in your project root (if in a workspace, in the workspace root).

It should look like this:

MY_API_KEY = 'the contents of my API key'
MY_OTHER_SECRET = 'some other secret'

Now you can annotate your Shuttle main function like so (using Axum as the example frameowrk):

async fn main() -> shuttle_axum::ShuttleAxum {
    let api_key = std::env::var("MY_API_KEY").unwrap();

    // rest of your code goes here

Set your secrets as environment variables

If you are migrating from another platform to Shuttle, it is likely you are using a lot of environment variables.

shuttle_runtime::SecretStore implements IntoIter which allows you to iterate over the store. You can use this to set all of your environment variables like so:
async fn main(
    #[shuttle_runtime::Secrets] secrets: shuttle_runtime::SecretStore
) -> shuttle_axum::ShuttleAxum {
    secrets.into_iter().for_each(|(key, val)| {
        std::env::set_var(key, val);

    // rest of your code goes here

Note that each entry in SecretStore is a key-value pair, hence the destructuring.

How does it work?

At runtime, the secrets are read from the file (or from Shuttle’s servers if deployed) and provided as an immutable key-value store.