Shuttle has a native resource integration for Postgres by default with the shuttle-shared-db crate.



See the following code comparison below (using Axum and SQLx):

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
  let conn_string = std::env::var("DATABASE_URL")
    .expect("DATABASE_URL env var to be present");

  let pool = sqlx::PgPool::connect(&conn_string).await?;
  // whatever router you have here
  let router = axum::Router::new().with_state(pool);

  let tcp_listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await?;

  axum::serve(tcp_listener, router).await?;


Shared database

You can find out more about shared databases here.

By default, the resource annotation will output the connection string for your database. You can augment this by adding relevant feature flags:

  • diesel-async (enables outputting diesel_async::AsyncPgConnection from the resource)
  • diesel-async-bb8 (enables outputting diesel_bb8::Pool<diesel_async::AsyncPgConnection> from the resource)
  • diesel-async-deadpool(enables outputting diesel_deadpool::Pool<diesel_async::AsyncPgConnection> from the resource)
  • sqlx (enables outputting sqlx::PgPool from the resource)

Note that the relevant crates will need to be added manually (the relevant Diesel crate as noted in the type signatures, or SQLx if using it).

How does it work?

The Shuttle runtime analyzes the given macro annotations and does one of two things:

  • If your service is run locally, attempt to spin up a local Postgres container via Docker (unless local_addr is provided then it will use )
  • If your service is deployed, the Shuttle runtime will provision a Postgres database to you.

If you need to view your Postgres connection string, you can do so with shuttle resource list.