

To get started, you can use the following code below:

pub struct DataStruct;

impl shuttle_runtime::Service for DataStruct {
  async fn bind(
    mut self,
    addr: std::net::SocketAddr
  ) -> Result<(), shuttle_runtime::Error> {
    // whatever code you want goes here

Note that you can add fields to your struct for any annotation macros you’d like to add as extra data (for example: adding a Postgres connection or pool to your application).

Run a non-HTTP framework service

Note that the code that goes in the bind() function must eventually use a looping mechanism or be awaiting some kind of HTTP request, otherwise the function will finish and end the service.

loop {
  // your code goes here

Run multiple tasks at once

If you want to run multiple services at once, it is relatively easy to do so. We store the variable without awaiting the future.
pub struct DataStruct;

async fn loop() {
  let mut interval = tokio::time::interval(std::Duration::from_secs(10));

  loop {
    println!("Hello world from the loop function!");

impl shuttle_runtime::Service for DataStruct {
  async fn bind(
    mut self,
    addr: std::net::SocketAddr
  ) -> Result<(), shuttle_runtime::Error> {
    let router = axum::Router::new();
    let tcp_listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(&addr).await.unwrap();

    let serve = axum::serve(tcp_listener, router);



The advantage of this over simply spawning a tokio::Task in a service with a Shuttle integration is primarily that both functions run concurrently on the same task.

How does it work?

The Shuttle runtime exposes a trait shuttle_runtime::Service which you can implement on a struct you own to be able to augment the runtime behavior of your application.

You may find this useful in the following cases:

  • You need custom launch behavior for your web application
  • You need to run multiple things at the same time (ie, a Discord bot and an Actix Web server) in a Tokio task
  • You need to run a HTTP client but don’t need a web server (ie, a cron job that uses serenity with only the HTTP feature enabled to send some requests to Discord)

Note that only one HTTP service can be bound at a time - if you require more than one address per project, feel free to reach out and let us know!